Sitemap - 2023 - Luke Burgis Newsletter

Girard, Race, and Cultural Desire

Free Speech, Censorship, and the New Media

In Defense of Minor Obsessions

The Rituals That Bind and Unbind

Vibes Are Not Enough

It's Time to Build—Aboveground, Not Underground

Mimetic Collapse, Our Destiny

The Mortification of Ornette Coleman

The Mimetic Landscape of Media

The Church of A.I.

The Beauty of Freshmanistan

Lineup Announced for NOVITATE 2023

Givenness, Antidote to the Abstract

Transcending the Transactional

Lamborghini vs. Ferrari—The Hidden Story of Desire

Anti-Mimetic Medicine

The Three-City Problem of Meaningless Work

Love in the Time of Altruism

Selling Charlie's Sunset

The Age of Gladiators

Megamen, Weak Mimesis, Jokers Wild

Thread #7: Naming Three City Problems—What do you see?

Leisure As Anti-Mimesis

Lifting the Painted Veil

Get Rewarded When Friends Read Anti-Mimetic

Aesthete Insensibilities

Mystagogues Wanted

Annual Update—What's In Store for 2023

The Loneliness of Pauline Kael's Opinions

The Digest #3

How to Craft an Anti-Mimetic Career

The Versus Everyone Verses

My Life-Saving Lesson from A Hitman

BE NOT CONFORMED: A Gathering on Nov. 3 in Washington, DC

Anti-Mimetic Advice —Ed. #1

Longing After the Fleshpots

Reflections on the Three City Problem

Open Thread #6

The Erosion of Free Will: Why Society's Loss of Belief in Freedom is Dangerous

Tuning In To a Different Rhythm

A Conversation on Political Atheism

Mining A Few Thick Desires—and the Introduction of a New Q&A Column

The Digest #2

The Hall of Content Mirrors

Escaping Farinata's Tomb

An Everyday Mercy

Invitation to NOVITATE 2023—Be Not Conformed

Political Atheism

The Digest #1

Group Subscriptions Are Here

New "Rights" of Passage

Things Hidden Book Club—Session 2

Do You Know Your Motivational Pattern?

Open Thread #5 — Voices from Around the World

The Scandal of Financial Nihilism

Meditation in an Art Studio