A mystagogue is someone who initiates others into mysteries, helping lead them into contemplation—and more importantly participation—in the mysteries of our existence. That we can participate in (and not just think about) mysteries has been one of the most important discoveries of my life.
Or re-discoveries, I should say. All children are mystical. It is only as we grow old, not in body but in soul, that we lose this important ability. We forget. What we do not use, we lose.
“Everything begins in mysticism and ends in politics.” (Tout commence en mystique et finit en politique.) —Charles Peguy
I am writing of those great mysteries that open us up to something that transcends the limits of our present and known experience. If AI has a quasi-mystical quality, it’s because it fools people into thinking that’s what it can do for them.
Let’s take a closer look at the idea of mystagogy. I believe it lies at the heart of any serious personal and cultural renewal.