Give the Gift of Anti-Mimetic
Help someone else prepare for the apocalypse (and a word of Thanksgiving)
What a year it’s been.
We live in apocalyptic times—and by that I simply mean what the word literally means: an ‘unveiling’ of hidden truths about the world.
Apocalypse is the underlying theme of René Girard’s entire oeuvre (he named his magnum opus Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World…), and it’s probably mine too.
Not that I could ever get away with naming one of my books so pretentiously (if I were a French academic, maybe), nor do I presume that I’m unveiling anything myself. But I do hope to point to what has already been said and done which is truly ‘revelation’ as a way to interpret and find meaning and purpose in history and in our everyday lives.
The underlying theme of my work is really love—because I believe the ultimate truth to be unveiled, the ground of reality, is love. Even when it seems, on the surface, like what is being unveiled only consists of lies, death, destruction, incompetence, incoherence, or fear. Yes, there is that. But if we’re willing to atten…