Announcement—Upcoming: Anti-Mimetic Salon #2 with Demetri Kofinas, Host of the "Hidden Forces" Podcast
What are people actually talking about when they talk about "X"?
You are cordially invited to the second Anti-Mimetic Salon with media entrepreneur—and host of one of my favorite podcasts, Hidden Forces—my friend, Demetri Kolfinas. This event will take place on Wednesday, July 13, from 12-1 pm Eastern.
We’ll have an open discussion about the landscape of our new media environment and some of the hidden forces that may be driving it. Some questions we’ll tackle:
What are people talking about and why?
What are we missing when we focus mimetic attention on certain people and topics?
What are people really talking about when they talk about “X”?
If you have a particular question or idea, please add it as a comment to this post and I’ll take them into account as we prep.
Here’s the format: I’ll open the the discussion with 20-30 minutes of one-on-one conversation with Demetri to introduce the theme. After that, the floor will be open for a Q&A and general discussion among attendees. I may cap this one at 50-60 attendees to ensure the best experience, so please don’t wait to sign-up.
Reserve your spot here (on Eventbrite), where you’ll also find the Zoom link for the event after registration.
This event is (as always) included with a premium subscription to Anti-Mimetic. (Please find your code for a comp’d ticket, below.)
If you’d like to become a premium subscribers and support my work, you can simply come back to this page after you’ve upgraded your subscription and you’ll find additional information at the bottom of this newsletter.
Thank you, as always, for reading. We hope to see you on July 13!
P.S. Here’s a link to my episode with Demetri last year on the Hidden Forces podcast.